This little light of mine...

    I'm gonna let it shine!  I have always had an obsession with candles - the light from one candle has the potential of lighting up a whole room.  But lots of candles are even better.  Whether you are having an indoor wedding or an intimate dinner for two candlelight adds such a romantic feel to your surroundings.  I'm currently working on a tablescape with fellow blogger Lace and Likes and have been looking around for some candlelit inspiration - and there is lots of it!

    A beautiful way to line your ceremony aisle

    Wine bottle centerpiece

    Luminaries are a great way to add decorative light to your day

    Wow! This could be a good idea for the first dance

    This outdoor fireplace covered in candles is amazing

    The whole scene is fantastic but candles make it that much more dramatic

    And you can't have an after dusk beach wedding/party without candles or tiki torches

    Speaking of candles - I'm sure you've seen me share before that Keith and I make our own candles.  We started making them for fun and then made them for friends' wedding favors and now we are fulfilling candle orders.  One of these years we'll start up a more organized business but for right now it's more by word of mouth.  Although I must say - I do love our candles!  They throw amazing scents lit or not and the soy wax burns so nicely.  We made a bunch this weekend to fulfill a few holiday orders and just finished them off. 

    Our house smells quite good right now and I can't wait to start burning them. Check back next week for a special candle giveaway! 


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