
    If you've ever been to a Sunday brunch in Charleston, Savannah or Alanta, then you already know that we love bowties in the South. That being said, we fell instantly in love with Forage, a line of bowties made by Something's Hiding in Here, the creators of the original "mustache on a stick." These delightful bowties are available in a wide range of patterns, colors and prints, including traditional seersucker and a variety of ginghams. We especially like the multi stripe and orange gingham. They're the perfect gift for your groom, groomsmen or any great guy you know. Forgage bowties are sold at The Curiosity Shoppe in San Francisco and on the Something's Hiding in Here Esty shop or you can stop by the Something's Hiding in Here website for a list of retailers. Stop by any of these sites to pick out your favorite!

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