All a-flutter
    My lovely friend Mo Hardy, designer and decorator extraordinaire, has told me about her good friend Lucy MacGill's new venture - Angel Wings Accessories. When I had dinner with Mo she had the most divine handbag from Lucy's range which prompted me to visit her new website. Some really beautiful pieces, original and refreshing.

    Python with Chocolate Handle

    Patent with Python Strap

    Large Cream Fur Bag

    Slash Bag

    A girl's gotta have a nice bag - think of the honeymoon after all! Stockists' details are available on the website.

    PS. For those interested Mo made a cameo appearance in our Issue 4 - A Class Act story. She kindly lent us her stunning kitchen and we roped her into one of the shots–that's her stirring the saucepan in her spiffy chef's jacket. What are friends for!

    Posted by Jane Cameron

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