The Notebook

    I'm not sure if this is how every designer commences a project, but this is how I do it... I turn to my trusty notebook and start to write notes and draw little pictures of what I have in mind. I like to draw little - somehow the pictures just don't look right big. My notebook of choice is spiral-bound, unlined and I like to use my favourite ultra-fine black felt-tip pen - no biros allowed. I include colour, fabric and ribbon swatches, sometimes magazine clippings or things I've printed out from the web - anything that will help me develop a theme.

    I have each and every issue of Wedding Style Guide documented in my notebooks. I love to look back and remember how the germ of an idea grew into a complete concept for a shoot. Sometimes the ideas translated exactly as they were first imagined, othertimes they evolved into something more refined.

    Can you spot my drawing of the embroidered 'M' in my notebook?

    And here's the sponge - pretty close to what I had in mind. You can find this story in Issue 11.

    The concertina games card and drink label are pretty much how I first envisaged them. You can find this story in Issue 9.

    Maybe a notebook would help you with the planning of your wedding. It would make a wonderful keepsake of all the preparations, something to treasure forever - like mine.

    Posted by Jane Cameron

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