Don't be a hater - it's not your wedding!

    I recently read a blog post that struck me and I felt compelled to write about it.  Lately I've only been writing about the sunny side of weddings and overusing words like "beautiful", "gorgeous", "fantastic" but not all weddings are unicorns and rainbows.  Weddings are meant to be deeply personal and reflect the couple that is being celebrated but some people are just haters and can't help but judge.  The really unnerving thing is that the people at your wedding are supposed to be your loved ones and your closest friends and family members.  Whether it's the brides dress that isn't quite your style, the table you were seated at that wasn't your favorite or the YMCA dance that makes you nauseous- keep your stinkin mouth shut - it's not your wedding! 

    Rock a blue wedding dress!

    Want all your bridesmaids to carry tambourines?  Sounds like an awesome idea to me.

    Donuts instead of wedding cake - go for it

    Being a wedding planner you end up overhearing conversations while buzzing around a wedding and so often people are judging or criticizing the way someone has decided to carry out their special day.  I guess I would be lying if I said that a thought never crossed my mind that a particular thing I saw at a wedding was tacky but I quickly remind myself that it's not my wedding and therefore I should keep my judgements to myself.  You should feel honored that someone thought enough of you to include you in their day and is spending probably $50+ for you to eat and drink for free all night. 

    What I've come to celebrate and enjoy most about weddings is the unique touches that couples infuse into their day and the thoughtfulness that goes into their planning.  I actually overheard someone on my own wedding day talking trash about our music - it's a good thing I was too happy to let someone bring me down.

    So...think twice before you feel the need to judge someone b/c they've decided to wear a red wedding dress or start a conga line around the dessert table and just remember how much love and thought has been poured into their wedding day.

    To all couples planning a wedding - embrace your unique style and don't worry for a minute what anyone will have to say about it!

    Tell me what you have to say about this topic - I would love to hear!   


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