"They say it's your Birthday"

    Today is my birthday - 33 years young today. I like to set intentions (not so much resolutions) for New Year's but often times there is so much pressure to come up with them in January you don't really have time to well define them and like most people I forget about them by Feb. 1.  I like to refocus around my birthday - not only is it right around the first day of Spring and when we turn the clocks forward to appreciate a little more light in the evening but it's turning the page on another year of your life.  

    I created a vision board at the beginning of the year to focus on for 2011 and it's time check in with myself and make sure I'm living this on a daily basis or at least making every effort.  It's also time to make my "things to do before I'm 34" life list.  This idea isn't a new one for me but it's something I haven't done in quite a while and Elsie from A Beautiful Mess has reenergized me to do this. Quite some time ago she posted her list and often times references when she has completed a task.  I think I will adopt this same practice and use the blog to keep me honest.  Time to get started on my list! 

    To celebrate, this weekend I'll be heading to Bend, OR to visit fellow blogger friend Rachael and Kelle from Marigold and we'll have a special sneak peek at a project we are working on together ready for you on Monday!

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