A Shout Out to all my Blogger Friends

    Last night when I was going through the pictures from our photoshoot and weekend in Bend there was one picture of Rachael and I after we'd finally wrapped our shoot and were reveling in the finished project that definitely got me thinking about how amazing the blog community really is.  I only really met Rach for the first time in December when we did our last tablescape project together but I feel I've known her forever since we've been following each other since we started our blogs during our own wedding planning process and have been on a similar journey. 

    Me and Rach
    (the photographer forgot to shave 10 years off my face to make me look youthful like Rach!)

    It's been so great actually getting to know her outside of virtual world but I guess my point is she was never really a stranger to me and has been a friend since before I even met her.  The thought of that seems really weird to most people but if you are a blogger you know what I mean. In fact since we've moved out West it's been really tough to keep in touch with all my dear friends and family on the East coast with the time difference and I've felt a little disconnected from some of them.  The blog has actually brought me some comfort in this regard b/c of the vast number of friends I've made through this community.  Like Christie who read on my blog that I had lost a friend and reached out to me to offer her help and guest post if I needed to take some time off from the blog.  Or the lovely Jes who shares a wedding anniversary with me and just welcomed baby Clara into the world - it's been so fun to watch her journey.  Then there is Lizzie who has been helping me with my new branding for the blog and is planning her wedding in Sweet Home Chicago.  And I can't forget Cori who was one of the first bloggers I followed during my wedding planning and now we've watched her turn her passion for photography into much more than a hobby.  Finally there is the fabulous TWIPS community a group of bloggers that are constantly supporting and encouraging each other - quite an amazing group of folks.  But it's not only fellow bloggers who have become friends and offer support and encouragement but the daily followers and commenters who are always commenting on my posts keeping me inspired to continue blogging.

    So today I wanted to dedicate my post to all my blogger friends and supportive followers - thank you for being a friend and continuing to inspired me every day! 

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