Black and White Wedding

    A sophisticated Black and White wedding will always be timeless. Brides are even more venturesome that years past . . . they incorporate elegant black accents everywhere - even black and white bridal gowns.

    What would have once raised eyebrows now draws gasps of delight, as gorgeous decorations drape churches and reception halls.

    Please note - I have had lots of inquiries about this black and white wedding dress . .. but I was not with the bride when she purchased it. I do not know the designer name or where you can purchase this dress.)

    Often paired with black is deep red roses. Several varieties even boast the name black, including Bacarra and Magic roses.

    See different ways you can infuse the color into your reception hall, including vases, table drapes and chair ties.

    Create more interest by choosing stark white placeware. This square design is topped by a napkin with the flatware rolled in a simple black band.

    Here the bride opted for even a more startling combination - black tablecloths against an all white draped room.

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