2011 Vision Board

    I'm a firm believer in setting goals and more importanly having a visual reminder of them every day.  Keith and I made a vision board two years ago and it's amazing that we've actually accomplished most of them including a move to the Pac NW.  I wanted to put together a vision board for this year that was broad and captured my overarching goals for the year.  I'm also working on a more specific one that will have more tactical goals like "finally conquer and learn Spanish", etc. - more to come on that list later but for now here is my 2011 Vision Board.

    1) Speak less; listen more
    2) Kiss my husband more; enjoy each other immensely
    3) Make new friends, be a better friend and stay in touch with all my friends across the country
    4) Smile more and make others smile
    5) Entertain more and have more parties
    6) Savor every moment; make an effort to live in the moment; Appreciate my environment to the fullest
    7) Satisfy my wanderland and plan a trip to somewhere spectacular
    8) Explore every trail, mountain, forest in our new home in the Pac NW; become local experts of our area
    9) Continue making our new house a home
    10) Get even more organized and better prioritize
    11) Have lots of fun! And make 2011 my bitch

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