A Fab Little Idea: Children’s Wedding Eye Spy

    I’ve loved this little idea for a while now and have been looking for the perfect wedding to use at. Eye Spy for kids, leave a disposable camera on the table with this lovely little rhyming list of things for them to find and shoot; its sure to keep the little kids entertained for ages. You can use the rhyme and template here or write your own and adapt the colours and font to fit in with your stationery.

    If you only have a few children to get cameras for why not splash out on these great little juice carton cameras from Photojojo

    After the wedding is over you could put the photos into little albums and send them back to the parents as thank you gifts. Now I know there will probably be a number of dodgy photos taken but in amongst them you may find some real treasures and you never know you might inspire some kid into a lifelong love of photography…

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