Wood Cut Madness!

    While I was busy rummaging through flea markets for wedding inspiration my Guy was home in Indiana hard at work on the wood cuts and rustic signs project with his Mom. They got some really great stuff now it's just a matter of what exactly we will do with all of it.  Thank goodness for heavily wooded Indy b/c we certainly wouldn't have been scoring any of this great wood in Florida.  Note: No trees were cut down for this project - there were plenty of smaller trees and branches already down.

    Hmmm - smaller cuts for name card holders, bigger ones for informational signs, menus, etc.  Who knows but definitely very useable pieces for something

    The start of a rustic sign - what will it say?  We are looking for unique words, phrases, etc. vs your average "ceremony", "wedding"...any thoughts?

    My favorite bunch of wood
    Oblong pieces are perfect for "bride" and "groom" or "Mr" and "Mrs" chair markers
    Check out that front piece - there is a heart in the center of it!  My Guy tells me that it was already naturally like that...come on...how perfect is that! 

    Great work K and B!  We have more work to do but these are perfect cuts to start with.  How are we getting all this stuff to Oregon again?  That's a whole other project all together - more to come on that. 

    Tomorrow is My Guy's big 3-0!  I can't wait to celebrate it with him.  I have a big surprise planned but he will have to wait until tomorrow for the big reveal.  Although he has been playing private investigator since he knows that something is up so I hope the surprise is not ruined but either way it's going to be good...stay tuned!

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