Sometimes it's nice to blog about such ridiculously expensive things that you just wonder 'who one earth would buy that?'. These little clutches fall into that category. Although pricey (by pricey I mean 'extremely' pricey) these Judith Leiber gems are simply too gorgeous for words. Some people like to splash and since it's Christmas what better time of the year to do it. Maybe your future hubby would love to give you something super special this year??? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge! Available online at It's worth heading to Judith's website just to drool over her sparkly collection. Who said diamonds were a girls best friend?

Heart N Soul clutch £1,798

Peacock clutch £4,338

Package clutch £3,274

Beehive clutch £4,339
Posted by Emilie Harrison

Heart N Soul clutch £1,798

Peacock clutch £4,338

Package clutch £3,274

Beehive clutch £4,339
Posted by Emilie Harrison