I think it's fair to say that most girls, girls of any age, love the traditional Disney fairytales. I have no doubt it's from where my love of ball gowns, princes and finding my 'happily ever after' spawned. I grew up on The Little Mermaid and Sleeping Beauty, always hoping that I could have a dress that, like Sleeping Beauty, would change from pink to blue as I was whisked around by my Prince Charming. As I've grown older my ideals have changed somewhat, however my love of a good Disney fairytale hasn't. This being the case my girlfriends and I decided to go and see Disney's latest traditional fairytale, The Princess & the Frog. Such an adorable, gorgeous film. Set in New Orleans, it's the story of a Prince, Prince Naveen, who's turned into a frog and must, to turn back into a human, kiss a princess. The old school, hand drawn animations are, I think, what makes the traditional Disney fairytales so beautiful. It's in cinemas now so be sure to gather the girls and have a Disney Day! Visit www.disney.com.au to view the trailer.

Posted by Emilie Harrison

Posted by Emilie Harrison