Friday Favs!

    Super stylin' bridal party (love the Anthro bridesmaids dresses) and the bride's dress looks like mine!
    Check out the full wedding - so many great details {found via} Lace and Likes and here

    Weeeee....I'd love to swing in this and take pictures {via} Luna and Chloe Weddings

    Crazy cool tiered wedding dress and beautifully creative wedding - they sang for each other!
    {via} Ruffled

    The sweetest, most intimate wedding celebration and another killer dress {via} 100 Layer Cake

    Love this shot - the bride dipping the groom.  {via} Comfort Studios

    What a great place for a wedding ceremony and a great kiss and embrace!

    Cute backyard bridal shower {via} Dandelion and Grey

    Lovely colorful veil {via} Brancoprata

    Happy Weekend - so much to do!

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