Spring Break 2010!!

    I know I've been a little absent these past few days but for good reason. My Guy and I decided we'd take an impromtu road trip to the Florida Keys.  What a weekend!  It was exactly what we needed - a break from wedding planning and a reminder of how to be spontaneous again!

    One of the many reasons I feel in love with My Guy was for his carefree, laid back, free spirited nature and how he brought that out of me again when I met him.  Back in the day I was always the one to convince my girlfriends to jump in the car and take a long weekend roadtrip or hop the next plane out of town on a weekend E-saver to whatever city sounded like fun that particular weekend.  Somewhere along the way I really started to lose that piece of me...started to take myself way to seriously.  Until I met him and found it again - it was never gone just suppressed for entirely too long.  Shortly after we met, some of my girlfriends would even say - "I don't know what happened but it seems the old Debbie is back...and we really missed her." 

    When we first met every weekend we were doing something different - Saturday boat trips out to the sandbar, roadtrips to Charleston or spontaneous weekends in Costa Rica.  Lately it's been nothing but wedding planning, projects around the house or future planning preparations.  Even though we probably could have filled up our weekend with all the things on our "to-do" list we were long overdue for a weekend of blowing off our responsibilities and hitting the road - no better place to do this than Key West!  My Guy lived there for five years and still has a bunch of friends down there so it turned out to be a birthday/engagement/bachelor-ette/party Spring Break 2010 kind of weekend with really killer weather.  I thought I'd be bummed to come back to work today but I'm not at all.  I'm back with a renewed energy and a good tan!

    I missed my Friday Favorites last week so I thought I'd share with you my one favorite thing from last week.  When I saw this I was completely smitten!

    Speaking of free spirited and carefree - check out this uber sweet bohemian style wedding dress.  She got it off Ebay!  Who would have thought to look on Ebay...I didn't.  If I had known there would be finds like this I certainly would have.

    {via} Once Wed

    One more day to enter my giveaway for soy candles - I'll annouce the winner tomorrow!

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