Life is Good...

    No one sends mail anymore - so when I actually do get something that's not a bill, junk mail or one of my 100 magazine subscriptions it's such a nice surprise.  The other day a pretty little package arrived from our good friends Carrie and Jeff.  It was the sweetest wooden picture frame with a simple but very real phrase - "Life is Good."  The special surprise was the picture it held.  We had recently all been out in Hood River for Sarah and Greg's wedding  and found an amazing viewpoint and hike in the book Curious Gorge. Apparently they had captured a picture when we weren't looking or that I just don't remember them taking but either way it was one that we hadn't yet seen.

    This was at the Courtney Road viewpoint on the Washington side of the Gorge between Bingen and Lyle.  This exact spot can be hard to find as we discovered but once you come to a house that sits on a hill with some rock pilings and what looks like a cow pasture you're there.  Good luck finding it - HA! If you could find out who owns that house - it would be the perfect site for a wedding.  The views of the Gorge, Hood River, mountains were really amazing that day and the cloud layer kept shifting making for some really wicked looking pictures.

    In the summer when this is green you would probably feel like Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music

    Striking the standing bow pose

    My aspiring photographer!

    These photos don't even do that spot justice but if you happen to find this place - you will certainly be echoing the words of the picture frame through the Columbia River valley.

    Carrie may have been the first person I called when we officially confirmed Hood River as our wedding location since we'd just spent several days together in this beautiful spot. I knew they were anxious to some day go back when they had more time to explore.  When I told her the date she was really hesitant trying to convince me that the fall might be a better time - not as rainy, beautiful colors - while I agreed with those things our date was pretty much locked in.

    With a shaky voice she tearfully told me that - "I can't come to your wedding." I figured it was something to do with Jeff's work and I told her not to worry I'm sure they'd work it out.  Then she told me "no, that's not it, I'm pregnant." WHAT!  I was so excited since I knew they were hoping to have their second child sometime in the not so distant future.  In fact, Sarah and Greg's wedding proved to be quite the romantic occasion - we got engaged and Carrie got pregnant!  While I knew she was upset at first that she wouldn't be able to attend the wedding - this is such a blessing.  Her due date is actually two days before the wedding.  I can't think of a better gift.  She will be welcoming a child into this world on our wedding weekend!  It's very symbolic - marriage is about new life, new beginnings - the commitment to share your life with another. So while we may be miles apart we'll be connected spiritually in life and love.

    Carrie - thank you for the gift and for reminding us all that "Life IS Good"

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