Personal and Meaningful Vows: Sarah and Greg (Part 1)

    I really believe in writing your own vows vs using pre-written vows that hundreds of other couples have used.  Make it personal and from the heart.  I'm sure it won't be easy when we eventually sit down and have to put pen to paper to write out our own vows but then again how hard can it be - there are plenty of reasons why you love and are marrying that person (at least I would hope) so just put it down on paper, right?  I'm sure I may use songs, verses, readings for inspiration but think the vows can be short, simple and meaningful without having to sound like a natural poet.  

    Our friends Sarah and Greg  had a very sweet intimate ceremony and wrote their own vows that were heartfelt and made people laugh and cry.  Sarah was nice enough to let me share them on the blog.  

    Together:    I love…

    S: The way you make me laugh, especially at myself.
    G: That you think the funniest jokes are the ones about you.
    S: That you always let me have the best bite of whatever you are eating.
    G: That your favorite food is whatever anyone else is eating.
    S: That you became a Bills fan.
    G: That you fall asleep ¾ of the way through every movie.
    S: Your compassion & genuine interest in people.
    G: That you squeeze every second out of everyday.

    Together:  I love that today I marry my best friend.

    Together:    I promise…

                    G: To support you in whatever you choose to do.
                    S: To start each day fresh
                    G: To make time to snuggle.
                    S: To let you sleep in once awhile
                    G: To try to focus on the details.
                    S: To be patient & see your point of view.
                    G: To continue to make our relationship the top priority.
                    S: To sing & dance with you & always live out loud.
    G:  I promise to love you with all my heart.
    S:  I promise to love you with all my heart.

    Together:  And if you break any of these promises, I promise to forgive you and move forward with our life together.

    I love this simple but very personal "I love you..." and I promise..." format.  I've seen similar examples on other blogs like 2000 Dollar Wedding - she actually has several real wedding vow resources on her page.
    The entire ceremony - vows, readings, songs and all the other little details tied everything together so nicely to make for a beautiful and very special day.  Stay tuned for future postings on Sarah and Greg's song selection and readings.

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