Why I am marrying this man...

    There are so many reasons I thought about making a series out of this one and dedicating at least one post a week to it between now and the wedding.

    Christmas is my favorite holiday and since I've lived in Florida it's just never quite felt like Christmas.  The idea of 80 degree weather, santas wearing swim trunks and twinkle lit palm trees just doesn't put you in the holiday spirit.  That is why I never bothered to decorate my place for the holidays even though I always wanted to.  I had the decorations packed away but it just seemed like too much of a hassle to drag them all out and put up them up when I'm flying back home to IL for Christmas and there isn't any snow on the ground.  I know it sounds crazy since decorations usually go up around Thanksgiving and can stay up for over a month but it just never felt like Christmas here.  Until I met my guy!

    He grew up in a home with a mother that collects Christmas ornaments and decorations every chance she gets. She has the whole Christmas village with little building and everything.  Oh...and leaves the Christmas decorations up year round.  I grew up in a big Christmas decoration home too - we cut down the tree every year and trimmed it together, Dad strung up twinkle lights on the house, Mom had art fair Christmas craft finds sprinkled through out the house.

    This time of year might be the craziest for me in terms of business related travel and events leaving little time to attend to much at home.  By the time the holidays roll around I'm ready to relax...not decorate.  Last year was particularly hard since my guy was going to be traveling from Thanksgiving through New Year's for work.  That's right, no holidays together - frankly it sucks!  During one of my major events last year at this time he called to tell me he was going to get to come home but just for a week or so before they had to head out again for Christmas.  I was so excited - at least we'd get to have our own little Christmas together even it if was two weeks early.  I flew home from that trip (probably first week of December) completely exhausted and ready to crash.  When I walked in the door to my house (which had a wreath on it) there were Christmas decorations everywhere.  A tree completely covered in ornaments and twinkle lights and wrapped presents underneath, stockings with our names on them hung on the mantle, stuffed snow men and santas on the couch, twinkle lights lining the entire inside (since we aren't allowed to hang them outside!), even a fake log with candles inside of it under the faux fireplace!   I was blown away and actually might have even had a tear in my eye.  In fact, I think this is when I said to myself I will absolutely marry this man!  We ended up cooking a big Christmas meal together and having our gift exchange before he had to head out on his next trip.  Since his mom has so many ornaments I think she may have contributed to the decor so thank you Barb if you are reading this for the lovely wreath and holiday items and for surrounding him with Christmas all these years!

    AND - I just drove home from Miami last night after a week long series of events.  I actually stopped in West Palm Beach to see my guy since he is there through Thanksgiving for work.  He mentioned that maybe I could start on the Christmas decorations this year when I got back since we would get to spend a couple of weeks in December at home before he leaves again for Christmas travel.  I knew I had to make an effort to do it after all he did last year but I wasn't that excited about it.  But...to my surprise when I walked in the door last night I was again hit with the smell of Christmas pine and twinkle lights!  He did it again...not only were the Christmas decorations hung but the house was clean (cleaner than when I left) and there were all these other little things that I'm sure he doesn't even know I noticed.  There was a fire extinguisher under the sink and new floor mats for my car since my heels for work have torn holes through mine.  These more than anything else are the reasons I'm marrying this man.  I've always said "it's the little things that matter."  As much as I am independent woman hear me roar - I love that he takes care of me. And I love that in 186 days I'm marrying this man.

    These are the types of photos he sends me over the holidays while he is "working" so I don't feel that bad for him for having to be gone over Christmas

    I probably should have saved this post for Thanksgiving.  From FL - Happy Holidays to everyone!

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